Running a gadget

    [!WARNING] This command is experimental and could change without prior notification. Only few gadgets are supported and we’re working to extend this support. Check the installation guide to enable experimental features .

    The run command runs a gadget from an OCI image. By default, the run command will use following defaults to refer the OCI image:

    • as the registry
    • inspektor-gadget/gadget as the repository prefix
    • latest as the tag

    Check the different gadgets available in .

    On Kubernetes

    $ kubectl gadget run trace_tcpconnect
    INFO[0000] Experimental features enabled
    K8S.NODE               K8S.NAMESPACE         K8S.PODNAME           K8S.CONTAINERNAME     PID     TASK        SRC                      DST
    ubuntu-hirsute         default               mypod2                mypod2                174085  wget        p/default/mypod2:37848   r/
    ubuntu-hirsute         default               mypod2                mypod2                174085  wget        p/default/mypod2:33150   r/
    $ kubectl gadget run trace_open
    INFO[0000] Experimental features enabled
    K8S.NODE               K8S.NAMESPACE          K8S.PODNAME            K8S.CONTAINERNAME      PID     COMM        UID      GID      RET FNAME
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 225071  sh          0        0        3   /
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 225071  sh          0        0        3   /root/.ash_history
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /etc/
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gl
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tl
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tl
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tl
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tl
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x8
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x8
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x8
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/li
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gn
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/glibc-hwcaps/x86-64
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/tls/x86_64/x86_64/l
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/tls/x86_64/
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/tls/x86_64/
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/tls/
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64/x86_64/libm.
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64/
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        -2  /lib/x86_64/
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        3   /lib/
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        3   /lib/
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        3   /lib/
    ubuntu-hirsute         default                mypod2                 mypod2                 242164  cat         0        0        3   /dev/null

    Private registries in Kubernetes

    In order to use private registries, you will need a Kubernetes secret having credentials to access the registry.

    There are two different ways to use this support:

    Defining a default secret when deploying Inspektor Gadget

    This approach creates a secret that will be used by default when pulling the gadget images. It requires to have a docker-registry secret named gadget-pull-secret in the gadget namespace:

    Let’s create the gadget namespace if it doesn’t exist:

    $ kubectl create namespace gadget

    then create the secret:

    $ kubectl create secret docker-registry gadget-pull-secret -n gadget --docker-server=MYSERVER --docker-username=MYUSERNAME --docker-password=MYPASSWORD

    or you can create the secret from a file:

    $ kubectl create secret docker-registry gadget-pull-secret -n gadget --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=$HOME/.docker/config.json

    then, deploy Inspektor Gadget:

    $ kubectl gadget deploy ...

    this secret will be used by default when running a gadget:

    $ kubectl gadget run

    Specifying the secret when running a gadget

    It’s possible to pass a secret each time a gadget is run, you’d need to follow a similar approach as above to create the secret:

    # from credentials
    $ kubectl create secret docker-registry my-pull-secret -n gadget --docker-server=MYSERVER --docker-username=MYUSERNAME --docker-password=MYPASSWORD
    # from a file
    $ kubectl create secret docker-registry my-pull-secret -n gadget --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=$HOME/.docker/config.json

    Then, it can be used each time a gadget is run:

    $ kubectl gadget run --pull-secret my-pull-secret

    You can specify the pull secret as part of configuration file to avoid specifying it each time you run a gadget:

    # ~/.ig/config.yaml
        pull-secret: "my-pull-secret"

    For more information about the configuration file, check the configuration guide .

    With ig

    $ sudo ig run trace_tcpconnect
    INFO[0000] Experimental features enabled
    RUNTIME.CONTAINERNAME                                            PID     TASK             SRC                                DST
    mycontainer3                                                     1254254 wget            
    mycontainer3                                                     1254254 wget            
    $ sudo ig run trace_open
    INFO[0000] Experimental features enabled
    RUNTIME.CONTAINERNAME                               PID     COMM             UID      GID      RET       FNAME
    mycontainer3                                        62162   sh               0        0        3         /
    mycontainer3                                        62162   sh               0        0        3         /root/.ash_history
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /etc/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tls/x86_64/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tls/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tls/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tls/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x86_64/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tls/x86_64/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tls/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tls/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tls/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x86_64/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/tls/x86_64/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/tls/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/tls/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/tls/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/x86_64/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        -2        /lib/x86_64/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        3         /lib/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        3         /lib/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        3         /lib/
    mycontainer3                                        122110  cat              0        0        3         /dev/null

    Environment Variables

    You can use environment variables to configure the behavior of the run command. The environment variables use fully qualified names (as in the configuration file ) with the prefix INSPEKTOR_GADGET_.

    # Enable verbose output
    $ kubectl gadget run trace_open
    INFO[0000] Experimental features enabled
    DEBU[0000] using target "gadget-b7jrc" ("minikube-docker")
    # Disable image verification (not recommended)
    $ sudo ig run trace_open
    INFO[0000] Experimental features enabled
    WARN[0000] Ignoring runtime "cri-o" with non-existent socketPath "/run/crio/crio.sock"
    WARN[0000] image signature verification is disabled due to using corresponding CLI options
    WARN[0000] image signature verification is disabled due to using corresponding CLI options

    Configuration File

    You can use a configuration file to set specific settings that persist across multiple executions. The default location for the configuration file is ~/.ig/config.yaml. You can change the location of the configuration file specifying the --config flag.

    The default configuration file can be generated using the following command:

    # Default configuration file for kubectl gadget
    $ kubectl gadget config default
    as: ""
    as-group: []
    as-uid: ""
    cache-dir: /home/qasim/.kube/cache
    # Default configuration file for ig
    $ ig config default
    INFO[0000] Experimental features enabled
    auto-mount-filesystems: "false"
    auto-wsl-workaround: "false"
    # Default configuration file for gadgetctl
    $ gadgetctl config default
            allowed-digests: ""
            authfile: /var/lib/ig/config.json
            insecure: "false"

    You can use the default configuration as a starting point (e.g. ig config default > ~/.ig/config.yaml) and modify it to suit your needs.

    The current configuration can be printed using the following command:

    # Print the current configuration for kubectl gadget
    $ kubectl gadget config view
    INFO[0000] Experimental features enabled
    as: ""
    as-group: []
    as-uid: ""
    cache-dir: /home/qasim/.kube/cache
    # Print the current configuration for ig
    $ ig config view
    INFO[0000] Experimental features enabled
            runtimes: docker,containerd,cri-o,podman
    # Print the current configuration for gadgetctl
    $ gadgetctl config view
    INFO[0000] Experimental features enabled
            authfile: /var/lib/ig/config.json
            insecure: "false"


    The precedence ( coming from viper ) of the configuration settings is as follows:

    • Flags passed to the command
    • Environment variables
    • Configuration file
    • Default values