Using snapshot process

    Screencast of snapshot process compared to calling kubectl exec ps

    The snapshot process gadget gathers information about running processes.

    On Kubernetes

    Let’s start this demo by creating a namespace:

    $ kubectl create ns demo
    namespace/demo created

    There is not any running process in the demo namespace now:

    $ kubectl gadget snapshot process -n demo
    K8S.NODE            K8S.NAMESPACE       K8S.PODNAME         K8S.CONTAINERNAME   COMM       PID       UID       GID

    Create a pod on the demo namespace using the nginx image:

    $ kubectl -n demo run mypod --image=nginx
    pod/mypod created
    $ kubectl wait -n demo --for=condition=ready pod/mypod
    pod/mypod condition met

    After the pod is running, we can try to get the list of running processes again:

    $ kubectl gadget snapshot process -n demo
    K8S.NODE            K8S.NAMESPACE       K8S.PODNAME         K8S.CONTAINERNAME   COMM       PID       UID       GID
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411928    0         0
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411964    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411965    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411966    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411967    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411968    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411969    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411970    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411971    101       101

    We can see the different nginx process started within the container.

    Execute an instance of sleep on the pod:

    $ kubectl -n demo exec mypod -- /bin/sh -c "sleep 1000 &"

    Now there is an additional sleep processes running in mypod:

    $ kubectl gadget snapshot process -n demo
    K8S.NODE            K8S.NAMESPACE       K8S.PODNAME         K8S.CONTAINERNAME   COMM       PID       UID       GID
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411928    0         0
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411964    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411965    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411966    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411967    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411968    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411969    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411970    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               nginx      411971    101       101
    ubuntu-hirsute      demo                mypod               mypod               sleep      412550    0         0

    Delete the demo test namespace:

    $ kubectl delete ns demo
    namespace "demo" deleted

    With ig

    Create a container that runs sleep inside:

    $ docker run --name test-snapshot-process -it --rm busybox /bin/sh -c 'sleep 100'

    Run the snapshot process gadget, it’ll print all process in the container:

    $ sudo ig snapshot process -c test-snapshot-process
    RUNTIME.CONTAINERNAME                                        COMM             PID                  UID        GID
    test-snapshot-process                                        sh               329491               0          0