Using trace sni

    The trace sni gadget is used to trace the Server Name Indication (SNI) requests sent as part of TLS handshakes.

    On Kubernetes

    The SNI tracer will show which pods are making which SNI requests. To start it, we can run:

    $ kubectl gadget trace sni
    K8S.NODE           K8S.NAMESPACE      K8S.PODNAME        PID        TID       COMM      NAME

    To generate some output for this example, let’s create a demo pod in another terminal:

    $ kubectl run -it ubuntu --image ubuntu:latest -- /bin/bash
    root@ubuntu:/# apt update && apt install -y wget && wget
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
    Location: [following]
    root@ubuntu:/# wget
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
    Location: [following]

    Go back to the first terminal and see:

    K8S.NODE           K8S.NAMESPACE      K8S.PODNAME        PID        TID       COMM      NAME
    minikube           default            ubuntu             3917791    3917791   wget
    minikube           default            ubuntu             3917791    3917791   wget
    minikube           default            ubuntu             3917812    3917812   wget
    minikube           default            ubuntu             3917812    3917812   wget

    We can see that each time our wget client connected to a different server, our tracer caught the Server Name Indication requested.

    Clean everything

    Congratulations! You reached the end of this guide! You can now delete the pod you created:

    $ kubectl delete pod ubuntu
    pod "ubuntu" deleted

    With ig

    Run the gadget in a terminal

    $ sudo ig trace sni -r docker -c test-trace-sni
    RUNTIME.CONTAINERNAME                  PID        TID        COMM             NAME

    Run a containers that establishs a TLS connection with a remote endpoint:

    $ docker run -it --rm --name test-trace-sni busybox /bin/sh -c "wget"
    Connecting to (
    wget: note: TLS certificate validation not implemented
    saving to 'index.html'
    index.html           100% |*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************|  1256  0:00:00 ETA
    'index.html' saved

    The gadget will show that Server Name Indication used by the request.

    $ sudo ig trace sni -r docker -c test-trace-sni
    RUNTIME.CONTAINERNAME                  PID        TID        COMM             NAME
    test-trace-sni                         3944366    3944366    wget