Using trace tcpretrans

    The trace tcpretrans gadget traces TCP retransmissions by the kernel.

    On Kubernetes

    In terminal 1, start the trace tcpretrans gadget:

    $ kubectl gadget trace tcpretrans
    K8S.NODE     K8S.NAMESP… K8S.PODNAME K8S.CONTAI… PID     COMM  IP SRC                    DST                    STATE     TCPFLA… TYPE

    In terminal 2, start a pod and configure the network emulator to drop 25% of the packets. This will cause TCP retransmissions:

    $ kubectl create service nodeport nginx --tcp=80:80
    $ kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx
    $ kubectl run --rm -ti --privileged --image ubuntu shell -- bash
    root@shell:/# apt-get update
    root@shell:/# apt install -y iproute2 curl
    root@shell:/# tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem drop 25%
    root@shell:/# curl nginx

    The results in terminal 1 will show that some TCP transmissions cause by the dropped packets:

    K8S.NODE     K8S.NAMESP… K8S.PODNAME K8S.CONTAI… PID     COMM  IP SRC                    DST                    STATE     TCPFLA… TYPE
    miniku…ocker default     shell       shell       60274   curl  4  p/default/shell:46022  s/default/nginx:80     ESTABLIS…         LOSS
    miniku…ocker default     shell       shell       60274   curl  4  p/default/shell:46022  s/default/nginx:80     ESTABLIS… PSH|ACK RETRANS

    With ig

    In terminal 1, start the trace tcpretrans gadget:

    $ sudo ig trace tcpretrans -r docker -c netem
    CONTAINER  PID   COMM  IP SRC               DST          STATE        TCPFLAGS

    In terminal 2, start a container, configure the network emulator to drop 25% of the packets, and download a web page:

    $ docker run -ti --rm --cap-add NET_ADMIN --name=netem wbitt/network-multitool -- /bin/bash
    # tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem drop 25%
    # wget

    The container needs NET_ADMIN capability to manage network interfaces

    The results in terminal 1 will show some TCP transmissions caused by the dropped packets:

    RUNTIME.CONTAINERNAME PID        COMM         IP SRC                          DST                         STATE       TCPFLAGS    TYPE
    netem                 21686      wget         4                      SYN_SENT    SYN         RETRANS
    netem                 21686      wget         4                      ESTABLISHED             LOSS