Containerized Gadgets Support Inspektor Gadget

    The gadgets we provide are heavily coupled to Inspektor Gadget as they are all developed on the same repository and maintained by our team. Adding new gadgets implies that they have to be reviewed and approved by us. This approach presents some disadvantages:

    • Users need to install new versions of Inspektor Gadget to get new gadgets (or updates to them).
    • Too specific gadgets can’t be added to our code base.
    • Users can’t have private gadgets.

    The containerized gadgets idea aims to make Inspektor Gadget a framework to run eBPF programs (gadgets), like Docker does for containers. This approach decouples the gadgets from Inspektor Gadget solving the issues mentioned above.

    Many ideas of this design document are based on bumblebee and ebpf_exporter projects.

    User Experience

    The UX we provide should be very close to the existing container runtimes like Docker. This document considers the client-server setup for ig described in . It’s being implemented at the time of writing this document.


    The run command starts a gadget:

    $ gadgetctl run mygadgetimage:latest
    # print output to terminal

    mygadgetimage:latest is a gadget OCI image. This command should provide a flag to run on detached mode:

    $ gadgetctl run mygadgetimage:latest --detach

    This command automatically pulls the image if it is not available in the local image cache.


    List print the running gadgets

    $ gadgetctl list


    Attach to a running gadget

    $ gadgetctl attach mygadget
    # gets terminal attached to the gadget


    Pulls a gadget image

    $ gadgetctl pull mygadgetimage:latest


    Builds and packages a gadget as an OCI image

    $ gadgetctl build --prog foo.bpf.c --definition foo.yaml mygadgetimage:latest

    Details of this command are still to be defined. Like other flags that are supported.


    Tag an image

    $ gadgetctl tag mygadgetimage:latest


    Login into a container registry

    $ gadgetctl login -u admin -p 1234


    Different commands to handle images

    • image list
    • image delete etc…

    TODO: Should commands like ig pull, ig build, ig push be aliases of ig image ... ones?

    Gadget Packaging

    Gadgets should be packed as OCI images. It is expected that the first manifest is an image index application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json. All supported architectures has to be listed here

    $ crane manifest | jq .
      "schemaVersion": 2,
      "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1+json",
      "manifests": [
          "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
          "digest": "sha256:7138dd1d4599d3e2c010a08e2609d53bea0764809563ff4554b9f4c8116fafef",
          "size": 590,
          "platform": {
            "architecture": "amd64",
            "os": "linux"
          "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
          "digest": "sha256:9ecb3e8284068ce53d6c359b046ff20febf39f2d05ffa219e4665bd29fef1954",
          "size": 590,
          "platform": {
            "architecture": "arm64",
            "os": "linux"

    The manifest referenced by the digest of a specific architecture has a config and a single layer. The content of the config is the definition file . The currently single layer contains the compiled eBPF program. It supports configurable annotations for the author and description


    $ crane manifest | jq .
      "schemaVersion": 2,
      "config": {
        "mediaType": "application/vnd.gadget.config.v1+yaml",
        "digest": "sha256:eb71861c0a5d5ca9a706fffa20fead54f64a1624dfeef5d334a8a3c2462c4c37",
        "size": 628,
        "annotations": {
          "org.opencontainers.image.title": "config.yaml"
      "layers": [
          "mediaType": "application/vnd.gadget.ebpf.program.v1+binary",
          "digest": "sha256:a2e1f232e675b1a8d83f94fc646b40e885564f8346273c3257ac76003545880b",
          "size": 873256,
          "annotations": {
            "org.opencontainers.image.authors": "Burak Ok",
            "org.opencontainers.image.description": "A simple tcpconnect program",
            "org.opencontainers.image.title": "program.o"

    TODO: How the user could specify these annotations when using the build command?

    Definition File

    The definition file contains the following information for a gadget:

    • documentation: Long text describing how to use the gadget. This should describe the different parameters supported and can contain some practical examples about how to use it.
    • columns: Information about the event that the gadget provides. Each element represents a columns attribute as defined in pkg/columns/columninfo.go.

    This definition file is mandatory in the early implementation stage, but later on it’ll be optional.

    Gadget Implementation

    A gadget is composed by eBPF programs and maps that are compiled into an eBPF ELF object. According to the names of the maps and programs, and the types used, Inspektor Gadget is able to understand how to parse, enrich and print information from the gadget. Inspektor Gadget requires the ELF file to have sections named according to the convention defined in libbpf and cilium/ebpf.

    Currently the built-in gadgets have a strong categorization, however in this new containerized gadgets approach that categorization is softer, each gadget defines how it behaves according to the maps / types they use and it’s possible that the same gadget implements different behaviors, like tracer and topper, etc.


    RingBuf and PerfEventArray with print_ Prefix (a.k.a tracers)

    These maps indicate that the gadget produces a stream of events. Inspektor Gadget uses the BTF information to format and print the events.

    // taken from gadgets/trace_open.bpf.c
    struct event {
    	__u64 timestamp;
    	__u32 pid;
    	__u32 uid;
    	__u32 gid;
    	gadget_mntns_id mntns_id;
    	int ret;
    	int flags;
    	__u16 mode;
    	__u8 comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
    	__u8 fname[NAME_MAX];
    struct {
    	__uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY);
    	__uint(key_size, sizeof(u32));
    	__type(value, struct event);
    } print_events SEC(".maps");

    NOTE: In libbpf and cilium/ebpf, maps of type RingBuf and PerfEventArray normally have an explicit definition with:

    __uint(value_size, sizeof(u32));

    Or an implicit one (when value_size is not defined, the bpf loader understands that RingBuf and PerfEventArray store a file descriptor, i.e. an integer of size 4).

    However, for containerized gadgets, Inspektor Gadget changes the semantic of the value field in the map definition to be able to carry the expected BTF type sent to the ring buffers. This idea initially comes from Bumblebee.

    As a consequence, BPF programs written in this way will not be loadable by generic bpf loaders but only by Inspektor Gadget.

    TODO: Revisit this appproach and check if there is a way to remove the limitation of being loaded by other projects.

    HashMap with stats_ Prefix (a.k.a toppers)

    These maps are used to implement toppers, i.e. gadgets that print a list of elements sorted by specific parameters, like TCP connections by sent bytes.

    Inspektor Gadget automatically reads and sorts those maps according to the configuration provided by the user:

    • Interval: How often to print the map contents
    • Sort by: Field within the event type to sort by

    BPF Iterators (a.k.a snapshotters)

    Programs of type iter/ are automatically loaded and attached by Inspektor Gadget, then they are triggered one time and its output is parsed according to the BTF information provided by it.

    In order to have BTF information available, the programs have to define an unused variable with the type they output in the iterator:

    const volatile event_t myiterator_output = {};
    const struct myevent *gadget_iter_type __attribute__((unused));
    int myiterator(struct bpf_iter__task_file *ctx)

    According to the type of iterator, it’s run in different ways:

    • iter/task, iter/task_file: relative to the current pid namespace. Inspektor Gadget switches to the host pid namespace as appropriate to get all processes.
    • iter/tcp, iter/udp: relative to the current network namespace. Inspektor Gadget iterates over all network namespaces of interest and triggers the program in each of them. (containers selected with the usual filter flags like –container)
    • iter/bpf_map_elem: relative to a map. Unsupported.

    HashMap with hist_ Prefix (a.k.a profilers)

    These maps are used to implement profilers: gadgets that output a histogram. The histogram collection starts when the gadget is run, and it’s printed when the gadgets stops.

    TODO1: It’s possible to also print the histogram periodically, however it’s not explored yet.

    TODO2: There is probably some overlap with histogram metrics support for Prometheus. It’s very likely that the same gadget can be used for both purposes.


    TODO: We can heavily base this on .


    Inspektor Gadget API for Gadgets Developers

    Inspektor Gadget provides some C header defining some types and functions to be used by gadgets. Those types and functions are used to enable some of the features described below.

    Please check the note in Support Inspektor Gadget API changes to get further details about handling changes in this API.

    Data Types and Helper Headers

    Types provided in pkg/gadgets/common/types.h are used to format data in a specific way.

    • endpoint_t: Represent an L3 or L4 endpoint. Inspektor Gadget automatically enriches it with the Kubernetes Pod and/or Service details corresponding to that IP address.
    • pkg/gadgets/common/mntns_filter.h: used to filter and enrich data by mount namespace

    Types of eBPF programs

    Inspektor Gadget automatically loads and attaches the eBPF programs. The following table describes the current support and the future plans:


    • โœ…: implemented
    • ๐Ÿ‘ท: work in progress
    • ๐Ÿ“…: desired feature, we should plan it
    ebpf program type Support Difficulty
    socket_filter ๐Ÿ‘ท
    kprobe/ โœ…
    kretprobe/ โœ…
    tracepoint/ โœ…
    fentry/ ๐Ÿ“…
    fexit/ ๐Ÿ“…
    iter/ ๐Ÿ“…
    iter.s/ ๐Ÿ“…

    List of categories:

    Gadgets Testing

    Each gadget should take care of its own testing. Inspektor Gadget will provide some framework to help gadget developers with this, like:

    Inspektor Gadget will use some specific design gadgets for testing purposes to test that all the APIs and functionality it provides to gadgets is working fine.

    TODO: We need to double check this. IMO we shouldn’t be testing external gadgets in Inspektor Gadget, but there could be different opinions.

    Gadgets API

    There are different ways for external applications to consume data provided by gadgets.

    Use Inspektor Gadget Daemon / Agent

    NOTE: This is still under big discussion as the API for builtin gadgets is under development at the time of writing this document.

    In this case, Inspektor Gadget runs as an independent process, as an agent (ig case) or as a DaemonSet (ig-k8s case), and the external applications communicates with IG by using its grpc or other APIs. Those APIs should allow the external application to run a containerized gadget by passing its image and parameters, and to consume the data the gadget generates.

    The data the gadget generates don’t have a specific format as it changes from gadget to gadget, hence we’ll need to use JSON or a similar protocol that allows us to encode unstructured data.

    Running Gadgets Directly

    There are some cases where external applications want to run gadgets directly in their processes, i.e. by using gadgets as a library. Currently, the different builtin gadgets provide golang packages that can be consumed by external applications. Some examples are available in ../../examples. In the containerized gadgets the same approach can’t be used as these gadgets don’t provide a golang package.

    In order to support this case with containerized gadgets, Inspektor Gadget should provide a golang package that provides the primitives for applications to run and consume data generated by gadgets.

    The following code snippet shows a raw idea of the API we should provide:

    Running a Gadget from an OCI Image

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	opts := runner.Opts{
    		// Authentication options
    		// Gadget parameters
    		// etc.
    	gadget := runner.RunOCI("", opts)
    	defer gadget.Close()
    	for !gadget.Done() {
    		fmt.Print("event received: %+v\n", gadget.Next())

    Running a Gadget from is eBPF Object

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	myeBPFObject := io.ReadAll()
    	// Or from a go:embed variable
    	opts := runner.Opts{
    		// Authentication options
    		// Gadget parameters
    		// etc.
    	gadget := runner.RunObject(myeBPFObject, opts)
    	defer gadget.Close()
    	for !gadget.Done() {
    		fmt.Print("event received: %+v\n", gadget.Next())

    Reimplementing existing gadgets as containerized gadgets

    A long term vision of this support is to reimplement all gadgets as containerized gadgets, then deprecated the built-in ones. This section presents the features Inspektor Gadget should support for it and checks additional challenges by existing gadgets.


    This section describes additional features needed by containerized containers in Inspektor Gadget. Some of them are already supported and others are planned.

    Filtering and enrichment by mount namespace id

    Inspektor Gadget provides a set of helper functions in pkg/gadgets/common/mntns_filter.h for gadgets that want to filter and enrich events based on the mount namespace inode id information. Inspektor Gadget detects the presence of the gadget_mntns_filter_map map and populates it with the matching containers to filter. Enriching is done by looking for the presence of a field with gadget_mntns_id type in the event.

    Endpoint enrichment

    Networking gadgets that want to enrich IP addresses with Pod and Services name can use the gadget_l3endpoint_t and gadget_l4endpoint_t types provided by Inspektor Gadget.

    NOTE: It’s under development at the time of writing this document in .

    socket_filter programs

    Attach ebpf programs of type BPF_PROG_TYPE_SOCKET_FILTER. These programs need to be attached in each network namespace of interest. Currently it’s handled by the pkg/networktracer package. Somehow the same logic needs to be used for containerized gadgets.

    Socket enricher

    Use the socket enricher from the ebpf code. This can be done in a very similar way to the gadget_mntns_filter_map: Inspektor Gadget automatically keeps the sockets map updated and the gadget can perform lookups in the map to get additional information about the socket.

    Initially, this will be done in a static way, meaning that changing the way Inspektor Gadget does the enriching would mean recompiling the containerised gadgets. Later we will need to implement backward compatibility as discussed in Support Inspektor Gadget API changes .

    Custom parameters

    Some gadgets define parameters in the eBPF code to change its behavior. They are declared with the const volatile keywords. Those constants should be exposed to the user as parameters.

    It could be implemented by using the pkg/params package.

    Enum convert

    Convert an enum to a string. Examples: pktTypeNames, qTypeNames, rCodeNames, etc. The BTF information from the kernel and the eBPF program can be used. When using the one from the kernel, it needs to be relocated to the current kernel.

    String edit

    string manipulation routines. Example: parseLabelSequence to replace dns strings to dotted names.


    Convert bitfield from an event to a human readable string. Example: bind’s optionsToString .

    Iface index

    Convert network interface index to string. Example: bind’s BoundDevIf .

    Custom user space logic

    There are some gadgets that have a lot of logic in user space. To support those gadgets, we’ll need to run custom code they provide. The design of this feature will be done later on once the features described in this document are completed.


    This is the list of the existing gadgets and the considerations to port them to containerized gadgets. The purpose of this section is to describe the needed features and not to provide a solution for them.

    advise network-policy

    This one has a lot of custom logic in user space, it requires custom user space logic

    advise seccomp-profile


    audit seccomp


    profile block-io


    profile cpu


    profile tcprtt


    snapshot process

    It supports a compatibility mode to get processes when iterators are not available -> . We’ll lose that in the containerized version.

    snapshot socket

    Inspektor Gadget should automatically run the iter/ programs on the different network namespaces of the containers.

    top block-io

    It has some logic to change the kprobe name based on the kernel support

    top ebpf

    top file

    Nothing special is needed.

    top tcp

    trace bind

    trace capabilities

    • Enum convert
    • int to system call name conversion. Can we implement this as enum_convert given that syscalls are different per architecture?

    trace dns

    trace exec

    This gadget puts all arguments in an char array separated by null chars. `arg0\0arg1\0arg2\0…argN\0': and then in user space those are divided into an slice of strings: Perhaps we can generalize this?

    trace fsslower

    • Enum convert
    • The point where the probes of this gadget are attached to depends on a --filesystem flag. Those are defined as k[ret]probe/dummy_... and the real attach point is stored in this map .

    trace mount

    trace oomkill


    trace open

    Already ported in gadgets/trace_open.bpf.c.

    trace signal

    trace sni

    trace tcp

    trace tcpconnect

    • Attach programs based on parameters. (Latency)

    trace tcpdrop

    trace tcpretrans



    Future Work

    This section explicitly describes the things that we don’t want to support right now but that we’ll revisit later on:

    Support Inspektor Gadget API changes

    Inspektor Gadget exposes a small API composed by some C headers to gadget developers. Gadgets have to be compiled against it. In this iteration, we don’t want to introduce additional complexity by supporting changes to that API, i.e. gadgets need to be recompiled to take changes in that API.

    Later on we will consider solutions like bpf extensions or other forms of dynamic loading to solve this problem.

    Supporting custom user space logic for gadgets

    As exposed in custom user space logic , there are some gadgets that need this to be implemented. However we consider that this is something very complicated and don’t want to tackle this right now.