
    Here you can learn how you can contribute to Inspektor Gadget.

    Getting started

    To better understand how the pieces fit together, we recommend reading the architecture documentation before starting to play with Inspektor Gadget.

    Setup developer environment

    Building the code

    Inspektor Gadget is composed of a client executable that runs on the operator’s machine, and a container image that runs in the Kubernetes cluster. They can be built together or independently.

    Building the client executable

    You can compile the client executable for your platform by running make kubectl-gadget.

    To cross compile for all supported platforms, you can run make kubectl-gadget-all or select a specific one with make kubectl-gadget-linux-amd64 or make kubectl-gadget-darwin-amd64.

    Building the gadget container image

    You can build and push the container gadget image by running the following commands:

    $ make gadget-container
    $ make push-gadget-container

    The eBPF code is built using a Docker container, so you don’t have to worry installing the compilers to build it.

    If you push the container images to another registry, you can use the --image argument when deploying to the Kubernetes cluster.


    • Using a locally built container image requires pushing it to a container registry, either local or remote. The default registry can be overridden by changing the value of the CONTAINER_REPO env variable, which defaults to if not defined.
    • The compilation uses tools/image-tag to choose the tag of the container image to use according to the branch that you are compiling.
    • It is also possible to change the BCC to be used as described in BCC section.
    • You can generate the required BTF information for some well known kernel versions by setting ENABLE_BTFGEN=true

    Building the eBPF object files

    If you need to compile the eBPF code of the gadgets, the ebpf-objects target will help you in this task:

    $ make ebpf-objects
    go: downloading v0.7.1
    Wrote /work/pkg/gadgettracermanager/containers-map/containersmap_bpfel.go

    Building ig

    Inspektor Gadget also provides the ig tool to trace containers without Kubernetes. It can be built independently from the kubectl-gadget and the gadget container image.

    $ make ig


    Development environment on minikube

    For faster iteration, it’s possible to make changes to Inspektor Gadget and test them on minikube locally without pushing container images to any registry.

    • Follow the specific installation instructions for minikube or use make minikube-start to start it.
    • Deploy the locally modified version of Inspektor Gadget to an already running minikube cluster with make minikube-deploy.

    Unit tests

    You can run the different unit tests with:

    $ make test

    Regenerating testdata

    Some unit tests depend on precompiled files on testdata . These files can be regenerated by running

    $ make testdata

    Integration tests

    The integration tests use a Kubernetes cluster to deploy and test Inspektor Gadget. Be sure that you have a valid kubeconfig and run:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=... # not needed if valid config in $HOME/.kube/config
    $ make integration-tests

    Integration tests for ig


    The integration tests for ig uses minikube for testing different container runtimes. The default minikube driver used for testing is docker. Currently supported container runtimes are docker, containerd and cri-o. You can start minikube using:

    $ make minikube-start-all
    # for single container runtime e.g containerd
    $ make CONTAINER_RUNTIME=containerd minikube-start
    # for minikube driver other than docker e.g kvm2
    $ make MINIKUBE_DRIVER=kvm2 minikube-start

    And run the test using:

    $ make -C integration/ig/k8s test-all
    # for single container runtime e.g containerd
    $ make -C integration/ig/k8s CONTAINER_RUNTIME=containerd test

    if no CONTAINER_RUNTIME is specified docker will be used as a default runtime.


    The ig integration tests for non-Kubernetes containers directly interact with container runtime. The tests assume that you already have the desired container runtime installed. Currently supported runtime is docker only, You can run the test using:

    $ make -C integration/ig/non-k8s test-docker


    You can run the different benchmark tests with:

    $ make gadgets-benchmarks

    Or you can run an individual test with:

    $ go test -exec sudo \
        -bench='BenchmarkAllGadgetsWithContainers/container10$/trace-tcpconnect' \
        -run=Benchmark \

    Records of previous benchmarks are available here . See details in the CI documentation (benchmarks) .

    Explaining performance improvements in a PR

    If you want to contribute a performance improvement, it is useful to use benchmarks to explain the impact on performances. I will use the example of an improvement on the networking gadgets from #1430 :

    • Run the benchmarks both on the main and the feature branches and saving the output in two files.
    $ git checkout main
    $ go test -exec sudo \
        -bench='^BenchmarkAllGadgetsWithContainers$/^container100$/trace-(dns|sni)' \
        -run=Benchmark \
        ./internal/benchmarks/... \
        -count 10 | tee main.bench
    $ git checkout myfeature
    $ go test -exec sudo \
        -bench='^BenchmarkAllGadgetsWithContainers$/^container100$/trace-(dns|sni)' \
        -run=Benchmark \
        ./internal/benchmarks/... \
        -count 10 | tee patched.bench

    Please use -count to gather a statistically significant sample of results. The benchstat’s documentation recommends 10 times.

    • Compare the results with benchstat:
    $ go install # if not already installed
    $ benchstat main.bench patched.bench
    goos: linux
    goarch: amd64
    cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz
                                                      │ main.bench  │           patched.bench            │
                                                      │   sec/op    │   sec/op    vs base                │
    AllGadgetsWithContainers/container100/trace-dns-4   2.941 ±  3%   1.489 ± 4%  -49.38% (p=0.000 n=10)
    AllGadgetsWithContainers/container100/trace-sni-4   4.440 ± 19%   1.495 ± 6%  -66.34% (p=0.000 n=10)
    geomean                                             3.613         1.492       -58.72%
    • Include the commands used and the output of benchstat in your pull request description

    Profiling benchmarks

    You can run the different benchmark tests while using the bcc profile tool . To be able to see the symbols in the profile, you need to build the binary with -ldflags="-s=false".

    $ go test -exec sudo \
        -ldflags="-s=false" \
        -bench='^BenchmarkAllGadgetsWithContainers$/^container100$/snapshot-socket' \
        -run=Benchmark \
        ./internal/benchmarks/... \
        -count 100

    Example of output showing a stack trace including both the userspace and kernel parts:

    $ sudo /usr/share/bcc/tools/profile -p $(pidof benchmarks.test)
        -                benchmarks.test (3452330)

    It is also possible to use pprof to profile the benchmarks with the -cpuprofile and -memprofile flags.

    go test \
        -cpuprofile -memprofile \
        -exec sudo \
        -ldflags="-s=false" \
        -bench='^BenchmarkAllGadgetsWithContainers$/^container100$/snapshot-socket' \
        -run=Benchmark ./internal/benchmarks/... \
        -count 5
    $ go tool pprof -top
    $ go tool pprof -top

    Continuous Integration

    Inspektor Gadget uses GitHub Actions as CI. Please check dedicated CI documentation for more details.

    Some integration tests (like AKS and ARO) are only run when a commit is pushed to the main branch or a new tag is pushed. It’s also possible to run those by pusing a branch named citest/.... Please notice that the container images will be pushed to and those should be manually cleaned up.

    Getting Help

    If you are having any issues with your contribution, or want to discuss anything about it, feel free to reach out to us on Slack or on our community meeting

    Contribution Guidelines

    Code of Conduct

    Inspektor Gadget follows the CNCF Code of Conduct .

    Authoring PRs

    For making PRs/commits consistent and easier to review, please check out Kinvolk’s contribution guidelines on git .

    We require all commits on a PR to be signed off certifying the Developer Certificate of Origin :

    Developer Certificate of Origin
    Version 1.1
    Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 The Linux Foundation and its contributors.
    Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
    license document, but changing it is not allowed.
    Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
    By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
    (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
        have the right to submit it under the open source license
        indicated in the file; or
    (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
        of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
        license and I have the right under that license to submit that
        work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
        by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
        permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
        in the file; or
    (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
        person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
    (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
        are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
        personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
        maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
        this project or the open source license(s) involved.

    It can be done by using git commit -s, git commit --sign-off or by manually adding a line like to the commit message.

    Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <[email protected]>

    Good first issues

    If you’re looking where to start, you can check the issues with the good first issue label on Inspektor Gadget . Don’t hesitate to talk to us if you need further help.

    Proposing new features

    If you want to propose a new feature or do a big change in the architecture it’s highly recommended to open an issue first to discuss it with the team.

    Writing tests

    We use to make tests less verbose.


    Our planning is published through two different project boards:


    Porting BCC gadgets

    This project uses some gadgets based on BCC . In the past, we modified the BCC gadgets and executed them from our process, however it was very inflexible and we decided to integrate those gadgets directly into our code base by rewriting their control plane in Golang.

    If you want to implement support for a BCC gadget, please read the Rewriting the Control Plane of BCC Tools in Golang blogpost that contains all the details about this process.


    For security, we invite you to take at look at the dedicated document .